Sample-Implementation-Schedule (word document)
Transition from Secondary School to Adulthood
Planning for Adulthood
Inclusion Planning Matrices:
- Inclusion Planning Matrix (word document)
- Elementary in school Inclusion Planning Matrix
- Elementary Home Learning Inclusion Planning Matrix
- Middle School in school Inclusion Planning Matrix
- Middle School Home Learning Inclusion Planning Matrix
- High School Matrix School
- High School Matrix Home
Core Competencies & Learning Objectives
Core Competencies
Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope PATH
Registered Disability Savings Program
The Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) is a Canada-wide registered matched savings plan specific for people with disabilities. Anyone can contribute to an RDSP- family, friends, neighbours… it gives people who want to help a way to do so! The RDSP is exempt from most provincial disability and income assistance benefits. It does not get clawed back and it does not reduce disability benefits payments.
People with disabilities can choose what to do with the money when it comes out- there are no restrictions on how the money can be spent! BCCOMPAS Registered Disability Savings Plan – Powerpoint Presentation
Services to Adults With Developmental Disabilities (STADD)
Transitioning to adulthood can be particularly challenging for youth with developmental disabilities and their families. A Services to Adults With Developmental Disabilities (STADD) navigator can help.
A navigator can help you plan for the future and your transition into adulthood. They can help you form a planning team and coordinate supports and services from government and agencies and are available in many areas and their surrounding communities.
Choice in Supports for Independent Living (CSIL)
Choice in Supports for Independent Living (CSIL) is a self-managed care option for home support services where funds are provided to eligible clients to purchase and manage their own home support services.
The Individualized Funding Resource Centre (IFRC) Society
Providing support to individuals with disabilities who receive or are interested in receiving individualized funding for their personal care needs.
Community Living BC
Community Living BC (CLBC) is a provincial crown agency, mandated under the Community Living Authority Act, that funds supports and services through service agencies for adults with developmental disabilities and their families in British Columbia. CLBC is working to create communities where people with developmental disabilities have more choices about how they live, work and contribute.
Inclusion BC
Inclusion BC is a provincial federation whose members include people with intellectual disabilities, families and community agencies.
The Inclusion BC Provincial Office provides support, education and advocacy where and when it’s needed, breaking down barriers and building communities that include people of all abilities.
What we do:
- Provide individual advocacy and community referral support
- Advocate at a systems level for government change
- Publish resources and host regional workshops and provincial conferences
- Support family, self advocacy and professional networks across BC
- Promote inclusion through public awareness initiatives and campaigns
CAYA (Communication Assistance for Youth and Adults)
Communication Assistance for Youth and Adults (CAYA) is a province-wide service program that supports adults aged 19 years and older who require an augmentative/alternative communication (AAC) system due to a severe communication disability, i.e. speech that is not functional for daily communication. The goal of CAYA is to ensure that eligible individuals have access to the communication tools and professional support to enable them to create an adult life to the best of their abilities.
Offers personalized conversations and resources to families that empower people with disabilities to find their direction towards fuller, richer lives in their community.
1:1 facilitators support families with person-centred planning and visioning for a full, inclusive life.